Tiffen 72MM IR Neutral Density (Advantix) 3.0 (10 Stop) Filter


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Tiffen IR Neutral Density 3.0 Filter


The Tiffen IR ND 3.0 is a Neutral Density filter providing 10-stop exposure absorption. The high density blocks light emission of the visual spectrum into the camera, allowing you to photograph with a much slower shutter speed or at a wider aperture than required. This gives the photographer two techniques; the filter is ideal then for long exposures in which anything with movement in the image is desired to appear blurred. The second is in which the photographer needs to use faster or more wide open lens apertures to create less depth of field.

 The IR blocker allows for less Infra-Red pollution which has been attributed to long exposures on smaller crop sensors.


Product Features & Benefits

• Reduces amount of light passing through camera lens

• Allows slower shutter speeds to produce blurred motion effects.

• Especially useful in bright light conditions to help prevent overexposure

• IR blocker added to allow for control of Infra-Red pollution


• Made of Water White Glass

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